Company growth strategy

We can help you through the entire process of constructing your own winning growth strategy, which will become way more than just a collection of unrealized goals or an otherwise technically perfect document lying in your drawer.

A well constructed strategy shows, in a clear and concise way, how the company is to move forward and achieve optimal growth. The key to a good strategy is applying the company’s strong spotsto the most promising opportunity.


A strategy clearly definesthe concentration of a company’s resources and the application of unfair advantages to areas bound to bring the best results in the growth and development of the company.
Elements addressed in the content of a strategy:

  • analyzing the state of the company compared to the competitors (benchmark analysis),
  • key opportunities to grow and expand the company,
  • critical points and obstacles to growth and the implementation of the strategy,
  • a selection of key interconnected strategic goals,
  • a plan of coordination and actionfocusing (operational execution and implementation).

In the process of creating a strategy, we help you pick out some of the company’s key strategic goals, where multiplier effects may be achieved. We also strive to coordinate as many internal forces (departments) as we can and point them all toward the stated common goals.

Strateško načrtovanje


Almost every company has a form of written strategy. But there are only a few companies with a truly great strategyon how to beat the competitors. We make sure your written strategy contains none of these typical mistakes:

  • being merely a statement of vision and internal desires without a concrete plan and resource distribution,
  • key sectors being left out of the strategy’s creation, thus feeling disconnected from it,
  • containing too many unrelated goals,
  • not being transposed into executable operational projects,
  • not following the organizational limits and ways of overcoming them.


  • cataloguing the perspectives of the owners, top management and key staff sectorson the company’s growth,
  • preparing a synthesis of the observations,
  • independent analysis of the market(s) and the internal documents,
  • preparing thesource document,
  • commenting on the source document from participants and choosing common priorities,
  • preparing several iterations of the document, coordinating,
  • ratifying the document,
  • preparing and performing the internal communication of the new strategy,
  • supporting resource allocation, preparing the priority projects and operational plans.


In the context of creating a strategy, we will also update or further define (the extant/desired):

  • organizational structure,
  • organizational culture,
  • product portfolio.

Our service does not entail preparing the strategy instead of the management, as this cannot be done. Our services lie in helping through a process of creating a strategy as external contractors,creating a sensible, technically complete and adequate document which also contains the implementation plan.